.07 - Using Camera Shots cont.
I took these pictures in my room with my cell phone camera. Two difficulties I had during this section was differentiating the bird's-eye-view shot and the aerial shot and taking a POV shot.
A shot in which two subjects appear in frame. Usually used for romance or tension
Aerial Shot:
Showing a location from high overhead. Usually shot from helicopters, drones, or with miniatures.
Bird's-Eye View:
A high angle shot, shot directly overhead and from a distance. Shot gives the audience a wider view this shot can reveal a variety of things including things out of a subjects view. Shot is usually taken from a crane, helicopter or drone.
Point-Of-View Shot:
A shot to imitate what a certain character is seeing. Puts the audience in the head of the character. Lets the audience experience a subject's emotional state examples of this is characters waking up or looking through binoculars
Over-The-Shoulder Shot:
Commonly used shot where a subject is shot from behind the shoulder of another. Useful for showing a character's conversation or reaction
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