.20 - Editing Terms and Definitions

     editing terms and definition:

Continuity editing Systems: This is a style of editing the requires the director to make the film recreate what the audiences reality is. The dominant convention in mainstream film and television.

Noncontinuity editing systems: When shots are mismatched to disrupt the impression of time and space. Disturbs the illusion of reality

Shot/ Reverse Shot: where one character is shown looking at another character than the other character is shown looking back at the first character.

Eyeline match: are where actors look while acting in a scene. Its a film editing technique to indicate to the audience what a character is seeing. Looking through the characters eyes.

Graphic Match: Is and extremely powerful transitional device . An idea is conveyed with a single cut.

Action Match: Cutting or action or matching on action refers to film editing and video editing techniques where the editor cuts from one shot to another view that matches the first shots action.

Jump Cut: two sequential shots of the same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly if at all this kind of cut abruptly communicates a passing in time

Crosscutting: An editing technique to establish action occurring at the same time usually in the same place. Camera cuts one action to another. Often used to build suspense

Parallel editing: A crosscutting technique that is separate events happening simultaneously.

Cutaway: a cutaway shot is the interruption of a continuously filmed action by inserting view of something else

Insert: Any shot that's sole purpose is to focus the viewers attention to a specific detail with a scene
