.22 - Genre Discussion
Lets first start off with the question
What Is A Genre?
- A genre is a stylistic category this can be of different medias such as music, film, literature, and art.
- Media within the same genres contain similar features that those expect to see
- In terms of a magazine a genre is what the content of the magazine is focused on
- Different genres will appeal to different audiences
Genres can be broken down into sub-genres
- An example of this would be the music genre of magazine and sub-genres being pop, rock, rnb or rap. This can limit the audience of your magazine though
The two genres i have decided to look further into are the Music and Sports genre. Both of these topics are huge hobbies of mine being an avid watcher of the National Basketball Association and the National Football League. I also thoroughly enjoy music and collect record vinyl of my favorite albums.
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