.27 - Masthead Analysis and Design


The Sports Illustrated masthead is an iconic masthead. Its simple yet appealing font lets is be known that the magazine the reader is looking at is a Sports Illustrated magazine but does not take away from the athlete or subjects on the cover. The masthead remains a simple color and is usually behind the subject in the cover.

ESPN short for the Entertainment and Sports Programming Network is one of the most popular sports medias and the masthead varies from being behind or in front of the subject but primarily is behind them. This masthead just like the Sports Illustrated masthead remains a single color throughout all magazines.

The Sport Masthead is placed on the top left corner of the magazine compared to the other two analysed which were in the top middle section. The Sport Masthead varies from 3 colors black, white, and red. But in every magazine the masthead stays a simple color.

My personal favorite of the different mastheads analyzed this masthead shows some personality with the unique font and the 3 stars on the M of the masthead. The masthead stands behind the athletes in the covers and remains a single color sometimes with a outline of black or white through the magazines. covers 

From my masthead analysis i have learned that my masthead will most likely be positioned in the top middle of my magazine cover. The masthead will stand partially behind the subject on the cover. The masthead will also remain one color in the cover with a possible outline.
